cast: Velence hercege: Spilák Lajos Brabantio, fontos ember Velencében: Nyakó Júlia Othello, dandár Velence szolgálatában: Kaszás Gergő Cassio, hadnagy: Kovács Krisztián Jago, zászlós: Rába Roland Rodrigo, pénzes velencei fiatalember: Nagypál Gábor Montano, Othello elődje Cipruson: Sipos György Desdemona, Brabantio lánya, Othello felesége: Földeáki Nóra Emilia, Jago neje: Homonnai Katalin Bianca, Cassio metresze: Nyakó Júlia translated by: Ambrus Mária, Ungár Júlia, Zsótér Sándor set: Ambrus Mária costume: Benedek Mari light: Fodor Gergely dramaturgy: Ungár Júlia assistant to the director: Pallagi Melitta directed by: Zsótér Sándor
Othello is a black Moor serving in white Venice. He is an experienced
and talented military leader, but ignorant in other fields of life. Iago
wants to destroy him. Iago knows people better than they know
themselves, and this gives him power. Iago knows people, but only on the
level of clichés. He looks down on people, and this is a mistake. They
might cause the most unexpected surprises.
Photo: Schiller Kata
Supported by: NKA