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THEALTER 2016-1 / July 26, Tuesday



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Homo Ludens Project - MASZK Association (Szeged): Szilárd Borbély: Everyman

26. Tuesday 16:00     Kövér Béla Puppet Theatre


everymen: Frank Tímea, Gyüdi Eszter, Kállai Ákos, Szilágyi Szabolcs
composer: Gyüdi Eszter
choreography: Seres István Pipu
stage design: Kovács A. Gyula
dramaturgy: Zélity Dávid
directed by: Benkő Imola Orsolya

Location: editorial office. The Intern and the Editor are arguing. They are working on the PR text for the performance Everyman by Homo Ludens Project. The Corpse is lying on the printer.
Launched at the University of Szeged, Homo Ludens Project has become a mature company with Everyman as their most spectacular and moving production. According to theatre critic Emese Tóth, one can sense from the very first moment the large amount of physical energy and fantasy invested in this piece.

Photo: Homo Ludens Project

Supported by: NKA, HÉT Kávézó, Patyolat Próbaüzem

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