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THEALTER 2016-1 / July 27, Wednesday



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Tea for Two trainings: As You Like It?! – Shakespeare Reloaded

27. Wednesday 11:00     Vasvári Voc. School


This year THEALTER focuses again on workshops. Young theatre and drama students will work in two groups under the guidance of two actor-directors. Sándor Zsótér is the special guest of the festival. He was first invited to THEALTER in 2007 and then returned in 2013 with productions staged at the University of Theatre and Film Arts in Budapest. This year, two of his recent works, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and W.S. Othello, are included in the programme, along with a performance he plays in. Attila Soós, founder and director of Trojka Theatre Company, graduated at the university in 2014 as a choreographer and director in physical theatre. He has staged a number of pieces in the past years, two of which were awarded at international theatre school festivals. His latest work, Orlando, will premiere at THEALTER.
The starting point of the workshops is Shakespeare’s plays, but the workshop leaders are free to choose an approach, a viewpoint. The workshops will end with demonstrations on the 29th July. Furthermore, two young theatre critics will observe the work process and write about their impressions in a blog.

Supported by:

European Social Fund

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