with the participation of: Kallai Nóra (cselló), Lenz Tünde (videótechnika, filmek), Sági András texts: Ágens costume: Béres Móni adapted by: Madák Zsuzsanna directed by: Ágens
“I’ll do it for you, if you do it for me.”
After Ira and Fatum, Ágens Company’s womanInTime is staged as the third piece of a trilogy. Three women in roles of supremacy above each other. All three have something in their hands with which they keep the other two under their control. The roles can be changed and assigned to others depending on the position one has in the given story.
“The essence of the play, the desire for a harmonious life and its impossibility, the cold poetry of spiritual despair and emotional whirlwinds do not get lost even without words. When Fassbinder’s actors speak, Ágens is silent, but not mute. In a sensitive and talkative system of poetic scenes, she incorporates what the playwright-director communicates in brisk dialogues.” (Csaba Králl: The Bitter Tears of Ágens von Kant, revizoronline.hu)
Since its beginnings, Ágens Company has been performing scenic experiments. The aim of their performances is to place music, dance, text and visual elements next to each other as equals, and thus to form a new theatrical language. As for content, their goal is to answer questions of arts theory and social theory, which have an impact on our everyday lives.