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THEALTER 2009 / July 23, Thursday



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Ljud Theatre Group (Slovenia): Electric Invasions - a theatrical intervention in the public space

23. Thursday 19:00     Árpád Square


A huge silver cube, with tubes dangling all around it. Strange sounds, noises, radio waves, soft music. The monotonous ticking of a timer. Suddenly a pink head appears from the cube, with a shocked expression on its face. Then another one, and another one… Aliens? Friendly or hostile? How come they are here? What do they want? How long are they going to stay? And what are they going to do?

The members of Ljud are young artists who believe that theatre is a living and open form of art which has a direct connection with the here and now, and that a theatre performance is a play, a ritual and a social event at the same time. Electric Invasions is a space and sound installation, a street theatre show and a theatrical intervention of the public space, based on the continuous interactions of actors and audience.
After appearing in the streets, the aliens contact the humans and start to communicate with them, trying to fit in. Chaos and mutual distrust slowly turn into a game between the people and the aliens, a game full of excitement and surprise. The roles become blurred: the locals become participants of the performance as their reactions directly influence what happens next.

Participants: Jaša Jenull, Vida Cerkvenik Bren, Nika Gabrovšek, Grega Močivnik, Matevž Pistotnik, David Kraševec, Janez Družina, Jurij Torkar, Sebastian Fraboulet

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