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THEALTER 2009 / July 22, Wednesday



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Szegedi Hetek Csoportja: The Horse Dies the Birds Fly Away - -

22. Wednesday 16:00     Szeged Prison


This biographical work, written at the beginning of his career, may be the most important piece of Kassák’s poetry. The poem was first published in 1922 but received no attention, either from the critics or from the readers. Kassák published it again in 1926, however, it was only in 1947 when a young poet, Ágnes Nemes Nagy, wrote about the poem with admiration. And it took another twenty years when, in 1967, it was finally published as a separate volume, obviously as a birthday present. Since then the poem has been considered as one of the most important works of 20th century Hungarian literature.

The Horse Dies the Birds Fly Away is about two journeys. One is a geographical-physical one, and the other is a spiritual one, the journey of becoming a poet.

performed by: Harsányi Attila

The performance is a joint production of Salvador Cabaret and Hetek Csoportja.

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