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THEALTER 2009 / July 24, Friday



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KonzervArtaudrium Theatre Workshop (Debrecen): Let’s Play that… - Based on Jean Genet The Maids and Sándor Weöres’ poems

24. Friday 21:30     Jate Klub


‘Genet’s mirror image system, in which reality turns out to be mere illusion, and illusion can become reality at any time, is a ritual game disguised by the master-servant relationship – a great literary invention.’
(Árpád Kékesi Kun)

”Prophetic dreams about extensive desires.”
(R. G.)

”A master-servant game, yet, it is about life with search for happiness and with strong will.”
(Zs. B. )

”Attempts of icicles to melt into fire, to turn red, becoming ashes without burning.”
(R. B.)

”Solange, Claire, Zsuzsu, Réka, Madame, Reni, Genet, Weöres, chicken, egg, to be or to eat?”
(Z. B.)

KonzervArtaudrium, founded in 1999, is more like a theatre workshop with permanent members. Their first performances, still part of their repertoire, were short absurd plays and improvised actions. Their themes, sets, costumes and props are all absurd and, at the same time, simple, ’poor’, ordinary and real. Some of their performances are written and directed by company members. They wish to create and use a theatrical language which is capable of addressing the audience and which is legitimate even in the 21st century. They believe experiments, humour, improvisative skills and a direct contact with the audience are all most important.

created by: Zoltán Bessenyei, Zsuzsa Bodnár, Réka Budaházi, Renáta Gombos

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