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THEALTER 2009 / July 23, Thursday



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János Pályi: Clock-play - or John Scoundrel the Wise Guy’s stories and his adventures in hell - a puppet mystery play

23. Thursday 17:00     Vasvári Voc. School


The inhabitants of the time tower are deprived of their time by Lucifer and his fellows. Everyone has moved out except our hero, John Scoundrel the Wise Guy, who is too smart for the infernal practices. He is never nervous, he has no bad dreams, and he is not willing to run around like a headless chicken. A guy, who never stops talking, and who could be any of us. He is our smarter self, who teaches the bossy caretaker, the self-important doctor or the rough policeman a lesson. He is even able to handle his shrewish wife. When Lucifer kidnaps his son, he descends into hell and beats up all the monsters there, including Lucifer, and finally meets Death to put him in his place, too.

performed by: János Pályi
written by: Ildikó Kovács, András Veres, János Pályi
music: Márton Kovács
set design: Gyula Majoros
marionettes: Erik Grosschmid
marionette stage: Ákos Mátravölgyi
assistant to the director: András Veres
directed by: Ildikó Kovács

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