'If on the field you lean on the staff with both hands, you can become one with the field. Through the staff you can touch the ground, your spirit and soul meet those of the earth – the staff helps you to remember your ancestors and descendants, the past and the future. You do not act, you are settled. You contemplate in the middle of the world, which is denoted by the staff. You are a tumulus or a Holy-spirit Church, the creation of the Father. This is the beginning of the world of the staff. If on the field you grab the bottom of the staff, you show direction or you strike down, acting in the moments of the here and now. You swing your arm in the air and no matter who or what is around you are alone with your deeds. You change your world, you are a human being: Christ-faced or Judas-featured. This is the end of the world of the staff.’ (anonymous)
Tibor Várszegi is a versatile theatre person. From the end of the 1980s, he has been working both as an actor and a director. He co-founded the contemporary performing arts journal Ellenfény, and publishes and co-edits the journal Eső as well as writes studies, essays, short stories and opens exhibitions and teaches literature. He holds a doctoral degree in literature and is an expert on Josef Nadj’s works.
written and performed by: Tibor Várszegi
music: Szilárd Mezei