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THEALTER 2009 / July 25, Saturday



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Physical and Movement Training: An introduction into physical and movement training - -

25. Saturday 11:00     Jate Klub


led by Boglárka Börcsök, Kata Lengyel, Gábor Botond Barna

The participants of this training will take part in a creative process, using different methods. I learned these techniques from masters such as Gábor Csetneki and Oleg Zhukovskiy. These methods and practices, based on ancient far-eastern experiences, have a common ground: the readiness of your body leads to the readiness of your soul. Practical experiences show that an intensive physical training makes actors able to use their imagination in a creative way, to improve their creative power and thus to discover new territories in themselves which they can use in their acting in the future.
(Gábor Botond Barna)

Katalin Lengyel and Boglárka Börcsök, two young Szeged-born dancers, are working together again. They already cooperated last year and made a dance piece together. This time they will complete it with their latest choreographies. They welcome participants to their project: dancers, musicians and everyone who is enthusiastic enough.
Katalin Lengyel is now a resident dancer in Daghdha Dance Company in Ireland. She earned her BA in contemporary dance and pedagogy in Linz, Austria. She took part in several festivals and in 2008 she received the scholarship of DanceWeb. Her latest solo was invited to Mexico and Poland. Boglárka Börcsök currently studies in P.A.R.T.S. (Performing Art Research and Training Studios) in Belgium. She also earned her degree in Linz, Austria.

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