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THEALTER 2009 / July 21, Tuesday



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Exhibition: Colour-Material-Shape - Exhibition and werkshop (sic)

21. Tuesday 14:00     Jate Klub


Opening ceremony: 21 July, Tuesday, 2 p.m.
The exhibition is open on 21 July (2 p.m. - 10 p.m.) and from 22 to 25 July (11 a.m. - 10 p.m.) in the small hall of JATE Club.

Mária Cecília Szántó
I always look for new subjects in my environment and during my journeys. I am very interested in colours, in their diversity and in their fullness, in light and shadow, and their instantaneous manifestations. I try to visualize transparency and ethereality in my works, and I find watercolour the ideal technique. Nature, and pictures in which something unusual counterpoints order, mean endless inspiration for me.

Marek Brzózka
The mythological figure of Atlas offers more than just a play with the form. Carrying the globe on his shoulders, he is not only a myth: everyone carries his/her own burden. This burden, and our physical and mental resistance against it. Even life has its own weight, but the way we handle it interests me the most.

Balázs Kendrella
My favourite materials are steel and iron. Though lifeless and brittle, they can be formed into very dynamic and exciting shapes. I prefer simple, ordinary topics for my sculptures, the focus is mostly on the form.

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