choreographed and performed by: Dányi Viktória, Molnár Csaba, Vadas Zsófia Tamara music: Czitrom Ádám, Porteleki Áron set: Terebessy Tóbiás costume: ARTISTA light: Dézsi Kata production manager: Rácz Anikó
Five people tell us about their relationships, loves, affairs, and then they map, bare, skin and splinter them just to get closer. The scenes, woven from dance and live music in the always changing space, zoom on different moments in their lives. Both dance and music zigzag between unrestrained physical and emotional extremes, sometimes kindling, sometimes extinguishing each other. Similarly, the piece mixes various performing genres with one another. A playful skinning, full of love.
Supported by: Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza, SÍN Kulturális Központ, Nemzeti Kulturális Alap, Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma