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THEALTER 2013-1 / July 19, Friday



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Metanoia Arthopaedics (Szeged): Clowns in the Street of the Alchemists - Hungarian premiere

19. Friday 22:00     Old Synagogue


performers: Erdély Andrea, Bán Péter, Diószegi Ágnes, Feczesin Kristóf, Jovanovics József, Kelle Jázmin, Ruscsák Péter
cardboard props by: Kiss Attila Etele
costumes: Csúri Anna
technicians: Szokol Szilárd, Farkas Tamás
sound: Lengyel Zoltán
director's assistant: Erdély Andrea
designed and directed by: Perovics Zoltán

"Let’s suppose that the „missing subject”, that is, the little paper airplane produced by the Clown Prince at the end of the performance „Clowns in the Street…” uses a little invention and, while on the wing, makes a quick, as if it were, flying interview with me under the title „Calico seamstress”, and asks me the question which is also asked by the intelligent European traveler who arrives at the border of a foreign country in the essay „Ghosts” by Béla Hamvas, that is: „Please, tell me, what is it actually that you are now lying right here?” Well, in the lunatic asylum that is evoked with the humour of the good soldier Hasek, being aware of the catastrophic shows and performances of the circus of history, for this question I would provide the same answer as the native in the essay, which is simply: „Arrobori.” Nobody knows the meaning of this word, but it “has a noticeably significant influence”, since “earlier on we used to live in paotaba, but that system failed. Since then, we have lived our entire life under the sign of the arrobori, and there is an arroborial flourishing of the country going on…” But I would hasten to add immediately that it is also due to this flourishing that the stalk and diapered PaotArroboris, the cynical vassals of religiously and nationalistically tainted and elevated hunt for scapegoats, acting as publicities of the day, are stupid enough and busy wielding their ornamented little cocks amidst hate speech and warlike devotion. The little paper airplane would obviously give a nod: “Thank you, sir, please do not go on, the rest I know well.” – as you also know that, as an airplane, I cannot speak the language of human beings and angels, I have no talent for prophesy, I know no secrets and sciences whatsoever, and – not that this would matter to anybody – I have no property, either. Humour, if it is communicating life, is in possession of legs that it can use to kick death in the ass, it can cast away the inhuman forces and ghosts as well, but this is not enough in itself. Acts of flourishing like this cannot deceive a “missing subject” and European traveler like myself, because the table of contents written on my spine and wings shows the source of humour and it also shows that which is inside me, that with which I share my happiness here and now. Máj fámili veri big!"
Zoltán Perovics: Collection of Useless Texts - "Máj fámili veri big!" - Foreword to the performance Clowns in the Street of the Alchemists - meditation object under the title “calico seamstress”; translated by: Attila Kiss

The performance is based on and inspired by – among many others - fragments of writings by Comenius, John Hus, Hašek, Kafka, recipes and recommendations of beer and wine masters, historical and mythological descriptions, archive documents and tourist guides.

Pieces by Leos Janaček, Bedřich Smetana and Gustav Mahler mixed with natural atmospheric sounds and archive recordings build up the music and sound montage of the performance. Some parts of this montage construct an organic unity with the events happening on stage, while others create rather a contrapuntal relationship between them.

Special thanks to János Bencsik, Anna Johanna Perovics, Péter Báhner, Hédi Sipos, Balázs Erlauer, Árpád Szörényi, Attila Kiss and BURANTeatr.

The piece was realised with the support of the Visegrad Fund, in the framework of the 4Together project in Brno.
Further supporters: EMMI, MASZK.

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